Stardew Valley: Demetrius
Everyone needs friends, even a farmer made of pixels. We keep introducing you characters of Stardew Valley. Every one of them has its unique story, tastes, and habits. We know everything about villagers and city dwellers, so we decided to provide you with useful tips on gifts, quests, and places where you can find everyone.
Let us introduce you to Demetrius. He lives at 24 Mountain Road. He’s Robin’s husband, he has a daughter Maru and a step-son, Sebastian. Sebastian was born in Robin’s previous marriage, and you can see books about becoming a step-father and improving second marriage on their bookshelf. Demetrius devoted his life to sciences, and he studies animals and plants of Stardew Valley. He has a lab at home, and it’s Maru’s favorite place in the house.
Now let’s see where you can find Demetrius. Keep in mind that villagers’ habits change depending on weather and calendar.
Demetrius’ Schedule
In spring, on Mondays, Demetrius is at home all day long. On Tuesdays, he may be either at home or near the Mountain. He goes there at 3:50 PM. On Wednesdays, from 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM, you can find him wet of the Community Center, near the fountain. On Thursdays and Sundays, you can find him at home or near his house, at the Cliff. On Sundays, he’s southeast of his house. When it rains, Demetrius is at home all day long.
In summer, on any days except Friday, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM Demetrius is west of the Community Center, near the fountain. The rest of the day he spends at home. However, on rainy days he doesn’t leave his house. On Fridays, you can find him at home, in the laboratory, or in the Saloon, where he dances with Robin. On Summer 25th, Demetrius visits Dr. Harvey at the Clinic, from 10:10 AM to 4:00 PM.
During fall, on any days except Friday, from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM Demetrius is north of the lake, near the Mines. On Fridays, you can find him either in the laboratory or at the Saloon. When it rains, Demetrius stays at home all day.
In winter, Demetrius spends most time at home, working in the laboratory, or standing behind the counter with his wife.
Now let’s take a look at the list of best and worst gifts for Demetrius.
Stardew Valley Gift Guide: Demetrius Edition
Just like any other villager, Demetrius would like to receive up to two gifts per week. Such an approach will skyrocket your friendship. Anyway, don’t forget about his birthday (Summer 19th), because a good birthday gift will give you eight times more friendship points. However, bad gifts will cause an equally negative effect, so check out our list and choose carefully.
Demetrius would really love such gifts as Rice Pudding, Bean Hotpot, Strawberry, and Ice Cream, as well as other universally loved items. He would also like to receive Purple Mushroom, Fruits, and Eggs (with the exception of Void Egg).
Demetrius reacts completely neutral to Common Mushroom, Snow Yam, Chanterelle, Leek, Winter Root, Dandelion, Morel, Hazelnut, Wild Horseradish, and Daffodil.
We suggest not giving him Quartz and Holly, as well as other universally hated and disliked items.
Well, now you know best Stardew Valley gifts. If you want to know what being friends with Demetrius can give you, let’s talk about heart-events. Every time you have a certain number of hearts in your scale of friendship, it unlocks a special event or dialogue.
Heart Events
If you have at least more than zero friendship points with Demetrius, there is a chance that you will receive a gift from him. The probability of receiving a gift increases as your friendship develops.
The three-heart event is a recipe for a Fried Mushroom. This dish gives you 135 points of energy, 60 health points, and +2 attack buff which lasts seven minutes.
The six-heart event triggers at Demetrius’ house when Robin is at home. You will see them arguing about tomatoes. Are tomatoes vegetables or fruits? No matter which side you take, they will thank you for stopping this discussion.
The seven-heart event is an Autumn’s Bounty recipe. This great dish gives you +2 Foraging and +2 Defense buffs, which last seven minutes and forty-one seconds. It also increases your health by 99 points and your energy by 220 points.
On Summer 20th, Demetrius will ask you to bring him a Melon. If you do this, your friendship will increase by one heart, and you will be rewarded with 550 gold.
In your second year in Stardew Valley, on Summer 6th, Demetrius will need a Pufferfish. Complete this quest and get another friendship heart, along with 750 gold.
Sometimes Demetrius requests something on the “Help Wanted” board. Items from this board cost three times more than usual, and you get an additional reward of 150 friendship points. Sometimes he may also ask you to kill some Monsters.
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