Greenhouse in Stardew Valley

Farming in Stardew Valley is vital part of survival. You always have to grow crops for yourself or gather other types of resources from your farm. As farming is the most generous activity in the game – you must stick to that. So, you already have heard about greenhouse in Stardew Valley, which is a perfect solution for a constant income of your desired resources all year long. Let‘s go through some basics and tips for creating the most efficient greenhouse layout.
First things first. What is a greenhouse in Stardew Valley? Greenhouse is a building, which protects plants from harmful temperature and weather. In that case, every plant in a greenhouse will stay alive for as long as you want and they will not die during the season change.
As we mentioned earlier, a greenhouse is great for a constant income. But first, you have to repair the greenhouse, because it was built already, but not functional yet. There are two ways to repair it: pay 35000 gold for Joja, or complete all Pantry Bundles, which contains summer, spring, fall, quality crops and animal, artisan bundles.
After having a functioning greenhouse on your farm, you have to create a layout for growing crops and trees. A precisely planned greenhouse setup will lead you to a very nice daily income!
Layout importance in Stardew Valley
The interior of a greenhouse contains 10 row by 12 column plot of land, of which only 7×6 are available for growing your crops. It means that the space inside the greenhouse is very limited.
You can grow trees in a greenhouse too. So, growing both crops and trees takes a large piece of space, but if planned correctly, you will be alright! Let’s get straight to the point now.
The best greenhouse layout
There are two main things to remember when planning a greenhouse setup:
- You will have to water your plants daily
- Use all free possible space
For watering your plants, you can always use sprinklers. Of course, they will use some space, but these are definitely worth the effort.
A picture is much more valuable than a word in this case, so take a look at this greenhouse layout design:
It is as simple as it looks. This greenhouse setup for crops is actually the most efficient of all possible layouts. There is no wasted space and sprinklers are installed. Sprinklers, in fact, use as little space as possible here. So, you get a nice profit every day and you do not even need to water your plants by yourself!
Greenhouse trees
Many players do not even know, that it is possible to plant trees in a greenhouse! With the help of that feature, you will be provided with various fruits all the time. There are many different fruit trees in Stardew Valley and it is your choice, which one fits your needs. Now, let’s plant these trees!
The most important thing about trees is to not use the crops-area for them, because you can plant trees outside of it and save lots of space!
To use space efficiently, plant trees on every third block around the crops area. Take a look at this photo to get a better understanding of that:
This layout is very similar to the previous one, which we mentioned earlier. The only difference is that now it is surrounded by various fruit trees. The gap between every tree is two blocks – it is just enough to grow successfully.
So, after all, that is what a perfect layout for your greenhouse, because all possible space is being used. It is safe to say, that you cannot earn more from a greenhouse, if your setup is different!